Our Hinge Window is a very economical window system that can be utilized in hunting stands.
This window system is made from a fully weather-stripped aluminum frame in which double-strength glass is marine glazed.
This window will protect your blind interior from unwanted pests and serve as a great wind block.
This window style allows access to the entire opening when in the open position.
This particular Hinge Window can be mounted in three (3) different positions depending on your particular stand. This window can flip up and out of the way, locking in the up position using the thumb latch. This window can also flip down and lock down and out of the way with the use of the thumb latch. This window can flip left and right to give you that desired vertical opening for bow-hunting purposes.
What size should I cut my rough opening? We recommend cutting the window opening 1” smaller in height and 1” smaller in width for each desired window size.
I.E. For the 12” x 12” Hinge Window, recommended rough opening of 11” x 11”.
We can custom-build for pre-existing blind and rough openings. All we need is the inside dimensions of your rough opening.
Additional window options: Clear or Grey Glass